Star Names v1.1.2 (2006-05-28) Legend ?< possibly from !< incorrectly attributed to !> incorrectly given as the source of trans. translation of corr. corruption of Ar. Arabic Gr. Greek L. Latin Pers. Persian Sum. Sumerian Turk. Turkish Alpheratz (alpha And) [ul-FER-uts (AL-fer-ots)] ?< Ar. [mankib al-faras] "the horse's shoulder" Sirrah (alpha And) [SIRR-uh (sir-RAH)] < Ar. [surrat al-faras] "the horse's navel" Mirach (beta And) [MIRR-ahk (mirr-AHK)] [mirac] < Ar. [al-mizar] "the girdle" Almach (gamma And) [ul-MAHK (ALL-mahk)] < Ar. [al-maq] !> L. [alamac] < Ar. [al-anaq] < [anaq al-ard] "the caracal" Adhil (xi And) [uh-DAYL (uh-DEEL)] < Ar. [al-dhail] "the train [of a robe]" Sadalmelik (alpha Aqr) [sah-dul-MEL-ik] < Ar. [sa'd al-malik] "the luck of the king" (?) Sadalsuud (beta Aqr) [sah-dul-suh-OOD] < Ar. [sa'd al-su'ud] "the luck of the luck" (?) Sadachbia (gamma Aqr) [sah-DUK-bi-ah] < Ar. [sa'd al-akhbiya] "the luck of the tents" (?) Skat (delta Aqr) [SKAHT] < Ar. [al-saq] "the shin" Albali (epsilon Aqr) [ul-BAH-lee (all-BAH-lee)] < Ar. [al-bali] "the swallower" < [sa'd bula', meaning unknown] Ancha (theta Aqr) [UNG-kuh] < L. [ancha] "hip" Situla (kappa Aqr) [SIT-tull-ah] < L. [situla] "pot" trans. Ar. [al-dalw] "the well bucket" Altair (alpha Aql) [ul-tah-EER (AL-tayr)] < Ar. [al-nasr al-ta'ir] "the flying eagle" Alshain (beta Aql) [ul-shah-EEN (all-SHAIN)] < Pers. [shahin-i tarazu] "the scale beam" trans. Ar. [al-mizan] "the balance" Tarazed (gamma Aql) [TAH-ruh-zed] < Pers. [shahin-i tarazu] "the scale beam" trans. Ar. [al-mizan] "the balance" Hamal (alpha Ari) [HUM-ul (hah-MAHL)] < Ar. [al-hamal] "the lamb" Sheratan (beta Ari) [sher-uh-TAHN (SHER-uh-tun)] < Ar. [al-sharatan] "the pair" Mesarthim (gamma Ari) [mess-ahr-TEEM (mess-AHR-tim)] < Heb. [mesharethim] "servants" !< [sartai] corr. Ar. [al-sharatan] "the pair" Botein (delta Ari) [boh-TAYN] < Ar. [al-butain] "the little belly" Capella (alpha Aur) [kuh-PEL-uh] < L. [capella] (akin [capra]) "the she-goat" trans. Gr. [aix] "goat" Menkalinan (beta Aur) [men-KAH-li-nan] < Ar. [mankib dhi 'l-inan] "the shoulder of the reinholder" Arcturus (alpha Boo) [urk-TOUR-uss (ark-TOUR-uss)] < Gr. [arktouros] "the bear watcher (or guardian)" Nekkar (beta Boo) [nek-AHR (NEK-ahr)] < Ar. [al-baqqar] "the ox-driver" Seginus (gamma Boo) [seg-EEN-uss] < L. [ceginus] corr. [theguius] corr. (through Ar.) Gr. [Bootes, the herdsman] Izar (epsilon Boo) [iz-AHR (EYE-zahr)] < Ar. [izar] < [almizar] "the girdle or loin cloth" Pulcherrima (epsilon Boo) [pul-KER-im-uh] < L. [pulcherrima] "most beautiful" Muphrid (eta Boo) [MOOF-rid (MOO-frid)] < Ar. [mufrad al-ramih] "the single one of the lance-bearer" (referring to eta alone) < [al-simak al-ramih] "the lance-bearing [simak, meaning unknown]" Alkalurops (mu Boo) [ul-kuh-LOOR-ops (al-kuh-LOOR-ops)] !< Ar. corr. L. [calurops] < Gr. [kalaurops] "shepherd's staff" !< L. [calurus] < Ar. [qulurubus] < Gr. [kollorobos] "club" Merga (h Boo) [MERG-uh] < L. [merga] "reaping hook" Acubens (alpha Cnc) [ak-oo-BENZ (AK-yoo-benz)] < Ar. [al-zubana] "the claw" Sertan (alpha Cnc) [sert-AHN] < Ar. [al-saratan] "the crab" Asellus Borealis (gamma Cnc) [uh-SEL-uss bor-ee-AH-liss (... bor-ee-AL-iss)] < L. [asellus] "ass" + [borealis] "northern" Asellus Australis (delta Cnc) [uh-SEL-uss ow-STRAH-liss (... aw-STRAW-lis)] < L. [asellus] "ass" + [australis] "southern" Tegmine (zeta Cnc) [TEG-min-uh (teg-MEEN-uh)] < L. [tegmine] "(from) the shell" Cor Caroli (alpha CVn) [KOR kah-ROH-lee] < L. [cor Caroli] "Charles's heart" Chara (beta CVn) [KUH-rah (CHAH-ruh)] < Gr. [chara] "joy" Sirius (alpha CMa) [SEE-ri-uss (SIRR-i-us)] < Gr. [seirios] "the scorching one" Mirzam (beta CMa) [MIRR-zum (MIRR-zahm)] < Ar. [al-mirzam] "the one who precedes" (?) Muliphein (gamma CMa) [mool-if-AYN (MOOL-if-ayn)] < Ar. [al-muhlifan] "a disputing pair who swear an oath" orig. < Ar. [hadari, meaning unknown] Wezen (delta CMa) [WEZ-un] < Ar. [al-wazn] "the weight" (?) Adhara (epsilon CMa) [uh-DAH-ruh] < Ar. [al-'adhara] "the virgins" Furud (zeta CMa) [fur-ROOD] < Ar. [al-furud] "the solitary ones" Aludra (eta CMa) [ul-UD-ruh] < Ar. [al-'udhra] "the virginity" Procyon (alpha CMi) [PRAH-ki-on (pro-SYE-on)] < Gr. [prokyon] "the one preceding the dog" Gomeisa (beta CMi) [go-may-SAH (go-MAY-sah)] < Ar. [al-ghumaisa'] "the little bleary-eyed one" Algedi or Giedi (alpha Cap) [ul-JED-ee or JED-ee] < Ar. [al-jady] "the kid" Dabih (beta Cap) [DAH-bi' (DAH-bee)] < Ar. [sa'd al-dhabih] "the luck of the slaughterer" Nashira (gamma Cap) [NAH-shirr-uh (nah-SHEE-rah)] < Ar. [sa'd al-nashira] "the luck of the [nashira, meaning unknown]" Deneb Algedi (delta Cap) [DEN-eb ul-JED-ee] < Ar. [dhanab al-jady] "the kid's tail" Canopus (alpha Car) [kuh-NOH-puss] < Gr. [Kanobos, a proper name] Suhel (alpha Car) [suh-HAYL (soo-HEL)] < Ar. [suhail, meaning unknown] Miaplacidus (beta Car) [mee-uh-PLASS-id-uss] < L. [mia, meaning unknown] + [placidus] "calm, gentle" Avior (epsilon Car) [AV-i-or] < ? Aspidiske (iota Car) [us-pid-ISS-kay (ass-pid-ISS-kee)] < Gr. [aspidiske] "little shield" Shedar (alpha Cas) [SHED-er] < Ar. [al-sadr] "the breast" Caph (beta Cas) [KUF (KAF)] < Ar. [al-kaff al-khadib] "the stained hand" Ruchbah (delta Cas) [ROOK-buh] < Ar. [rukbat dhat al-kursiy] "the knee of the lady of the chair" Rigil Kentaurus (alpha Cen) [RIJ-ul kent-OW-russ (RYE-jol ken-TAW-rus)] < Ar. [rijl qanturis] "the centaur's foot" Toliman (alpha Cen) [tah-lee-MAHN] < Ar. [al-zulman] "the ostriches" Bungula (alpha Cen) [BUNG-gool-uh] < Gr. [beta] + L. [ungula] "hoof" Proxima (alpha Cen C) [PROX-im-uh] < L. [proxima] "the nearest" Hadar (beta Cen) [huh-DAHR (HAH-dahr)] < Ar. [hadari, meaning unknown] Agena (beta Cen) [uh-JEN-uh (uh-JEEN-uh)] < Gr. [alpha] + L. [genu] "knee" Muhlifain (gamma Cen) [mool-if-AYN (MOOL-if-ayn)] < Muliphein (gamma CMa) Alnair (zeta Cen) [ul-NAH-ir (all-NAYR)] < Ar. [al na'ir] corr. Ar. [nayyir badan qanturis] "the bright one in the body of the centaur" Menkent (theta Cen) [MEN-kent (men-KENT)] ?< Ar. [mankib/menkib] "shoulder" + L. [kentaurus] < Ar. [qanturis] "centaur" Alderamin (alpha Cep) [ul-der-ah-MEEN (al-DER-uh-min)] < Ar. [muqaddam al-dhira'ain] "the preceding one of the two forearms" Alfirk (beta Cep) [ul-FIRRK (ALL-firrk)] < Ar. [kaukaba al-firq] "the two stars of the flock" Errai (gamma Cep) [er-RAH-ee (uh-RYE)] < Ar. [al-ra'i] "the shepherd" Kurhah (xi Cep) [KOUR-huh] < Ar. [al-qurha] "the white spot on the horse's forehead" Menkar (alpha Cet) [MEN-ker (men-KAHR)] < Ar. [al-minkhar] "the nostrils" Diphda (beta Cet) [DIF-duh] < Ar. [al-difdi' al-thani] "the second frog" Deneb Kaitos (beta Cet) [DEN-eb KYE-tos (... KAY-tus)] < Ar. [dhanab qaitus] "the sea monster's tail" Baten Kaitos (zeta Cet) [BUT-en KYE-tos (... KAY-tus)] < Ar. [batn qaitus] "the sea monster's belly" Mira (omicron Cet) [MEE-ruh (MIRR-uh)] < L. [mira] "the amazing one" Phact (alpha Col) [FAHKT] < Ar. [fakhita] "ring dove" Wazn (beta Col) [WUZ-un] < Ar. [al-wazn, meaning unknown] Alphecca (alpha CrB) [ul-FEK-uh (al-FEK-uh)] < Ar. [al-fakka] "the broken one" Gemma (alpha CrB) [GHEM-uh (JEM-uh)] < L. [gemma] "the gem" Nusakan (beta CrB) [nuss-uh-KAHN (noo-SAH-kahn)] < Ar. [al-nasaqan] "the two lines of stars" Alchiba (alpha Crv) [ul-kib-AH (al-CHIH-bah)] < Ar. [al-khiba'] "the tent" Gienah (gamma Crv) [JEN-ah (JEEN-ah)] < Ar. [janah al-ghurab] "the raven's wing" Algorab (delta Crv) [ul-gor-RAHB (ALL-gor-rab)] < Ar. [janah al-ghurab] "the raven's wing" Alkes (alpha Crt) [ul-KAYS (ALL-keess)] < Ar. [al-ka's] "the wine cup" Acrux (alpha Cru) [AY-krux (AH-krux)] < Gr. [alpha] + L. [crux] "cross" Mimosa (beta Cru) [mee-MOH-suh (mim-OH-sah)] < L. [mimus] "actor" Gacrux (gamma Cru) [GUK-rux (GAK-rux)] < Gr. [gamma] + L. [crux] "cross" Deneb (alpha Cyg) [DEN-eb] < Ar. [dhanab al-dajaja] "the hen's tail" Arided (alpha Cyg) [AIR-id-ed (ah-ree-DED)] < Ar. [al-ridf] "the follower" Albireo (beta Cyg) [ul-BEE-ri-oh (al-BIRR-ee-oh)] < L. [ab ireo] "from (the Latin herb name) ireus" !< [eirisim] corr. Ar. [urnis] < Gr. [ornis] "the bird" Sadr (gamma Cyg) [SUD-ur (SAH-dur)] < Ar. [sadr al-dajaja] "the hen's breast" Gienah (epsilon Cyg) [JEN-ah (JEEN-ah)] < Ar. [janah] "the wing" Azelfafage (pi-1 Cyg) [uh-ZEL-fuh-fahj] < Ar. [al-sulahfat] "the tortoise" Sualocin (alpha Del) [SWAH-loh-sin (swah-LOH-sin)] reversal of L. Nicolaus (Venator) < It. Niccolo Cacciatore Rotanev (beta Del) [ROH-tuh-nev] reversal of L. (Nicolaus) Venator < It. Niccolo Cacciatore Thuban (alpha Dra) [thuh-BAHN (THOO-bahn)] < Ar. [thu'ban] "serpent" !> L. [rastaben] < Ar. [ra's al-tinnin] "the serpent's head" Adib (alpha Dra) [uh-DEEB] < Ar. [al-dhi'b] "the wolf" Rastaban (beta Dra) [rah-stuh-BAHN (RAH-stuh-bahn)] < L. [rastaben] < Ar. [ra's al-tinnin] "the serpent's head" Alwaid (beta Dra) [ul-WAH-id (all-WAYD)] < Ar. [al-'awa'idh] "the old mother camels" Eltanin (gamma Dra) [el-tuh-NEEN (EL-tuh-nin)] < Ar. [al-tinnin] "the serpent" Altais (delta Dra) [ul-TAH-iss (ALL-tays)] < Ar. [al-tais] corr. [al-tinnin] "the serpent" Edasich (iota Dra) [ED-uh-sik] < Ar. [al-dhikh] "the male hyena" Giausar (lambda Dra) [jow-ZUR (JAW-sahr)] < Pers. [jauzahr] "orbital node" Alrakis (mu Dra) [ul-RAH-kiss (all-RAH-kiss)] < Ar. [al-raqis] "the trotting camel" Grumium (xi Dra) [GROO-mi-um] < L. [grunnum] "snout or muzzle (of a pig)" Kitalpha (alpha Equ) [kit-AL-fuh] < Ar. [qit'al al-faras] "the section of the horse" trans. Gr. ['ippou protome] "first half of the horse" Achernar (alpha Eri) [ah-ker-NAHR (AK-er-nahr)] < Ar. [akhir al-nahr] "the river's end" Cursa (beta Eri) [KOUR-suh (KER-sah)] < Ar. [kursiy al-jauza' al-muqaddam] "the front footstool (of Orion)" Zaurak (gamma Eri) [ZOW-ruk (ZAW-rahk)] < Ar. [zauraq] "boat" Zibal (zeta Eri) [zib-BALL] < Ar. [al-ri'al] "the ostrich young" Azha (eta Eri) [UH-zah (AH-zha)] < Ar. [udhiy al-na'am] "the ostrich's nest" Acamar (theta Eri) [ah-kuh-MAHR (AH-kuh-mahr)] < Ar. [akhir al-nahr] "the river's end" Dalim (theta Eri) [duh-LEEM (dah-LEEM)] < Ar. [al-zalim] "the ostrich" Beid (omicron-1 Eri) [BYED (BEED)] < Ar. [al-baid] "the eggs" Keid (omicron-2 Eri) [KYED (KEED)] < Ar. [al-qaid] "the egg shells" Theemin (43 Eri) [teh'eh-MIN (THEE-min)] < Heb. [te'omim] "twins" !> [beemim] corr. L. [beemun] ad. Ar. [bhmn] corr. Gr. [e' kampe] "the bend of the river" Castor (alpha Gem) [KUSS-tor (KAS-tur)] < Gr. [Kastor, one of the twins] Pollux (beta Gem) [PAH-lux] < Gr. [Poludeukes, one of the twins] Alhena (gamma Gem) [ul-HEN-uh (al-HAY-nah)] < Ar. [al-han'a] "the mark on the camel's neck" Wasat (delta Gem) [WUSS-ut (wah-SAHT)] < Ar. [wasat] "middle" Mebsuta (epsilon Gem) [meb-SOO-tuh] < Ar. [dhira' al-asad al-mabsuta] "the lion's outstretched paw" Mekbuda (zeta Gem) [mek-BOO-duh] < Ar. [dhira' al-asad al-maqbuda] "the lion's folded paw" Propus (eta Gem) [PRAH-poos (PRO-puss)] < Gr. [propous] "forward foot" Tejat (mu Gem) [teh-YAHT (TAY-zhaht)] < Ar. [tihyat] < [al-tahayi, meaning unknown] Al Na'ir (alpha Gru) [ul-NAH-ir (all-NAYR)] < Ar. [al-nayyir min dhanab al-hut] "the bright one in the fish's tail" Rasalgethi (alpha Her) [rah-sool-JAYTH-ee (rah-sall-GAYTH-ee)] < Ar. [ra's al-jathi] "the kneeler's head" Kornephoros (beta Her) [kor-NAY-for-os (kor-nuh-FOR-uss)] < Gr. [korunephoros] "club bearer" Rutilicus (beta Her) [roo-TIL-ik-uss] < L. [titillicus] "armpit" Marsic (kappa Her) [MURS-ik (MAHR-sik)] < Ar. [al-marfiq] "the elbow" Maasym (lambda Her) [MUH'ess-im (MAH-sim)] < Ar. [al-mi'sam] "the wrist" Cujam (omega Her) [KOO-yum (KOO-zhahm)] < L. [caiam] "the club" (direct object) Alphard (alpha Hya) [ul-FURD (AL-fard)] < Ar. [al-fard] "the solitary one" Regulus (alpha Leo) [RAY-gool-uss (REG-yoo-luss)] < L. [regulus] "little king" < L. [rex] "king" < L. [stella regia] "royal star" < Gr. [basiliskos] "little king" Denebola (beta Leo) [den-NEB-oh-luh] < Ar. [dhanab al-asad] "the lion's tail" Algieba (gamma Leo) [ul-JEB-uh (all-JEE-bah)] < Ar. [al-jabha] "the forehead" Zosma (delta Leo) [ZOSS-muh] < Gr. [zosma] "girdle or loin cloth" Duhr (delta Leo) [DOOR] < Ar. [zahr al-asad] "the lion's back" Adhafera (zeta Leo) [uh-duh-FEE-ruh (ah-duh-FER-uh)] < Ar. [al-dafira] "the lock of hair" Chertan (theta Leo) [kert-AHN (KERT-ahn)] < Ar. [al-khurtan] "the two small ribs" Coxa (theta Leo) [KOK-suh] < L. [in coxis] "in the hips" Alterf (lambda Leo) [ul-TERF (al-TERF)] < Ar. [al-tarf] "the glance" Rasalas (mu Leo) [russ-uh-LOSS (RAH-suh-luss)] < Ar. [ra's al-asad] "the lion's head" Subra (omicron Leo) [ZOOB-ruh (SOOB-ruh)] < Ar. [al-zubra] "the (lion's) mane" Arneb (alpha Lep) [URN-eb (AHR-neb)] < Ar. [al-arnab] "the hare" Nihal (beta Lep) [nih-HALL] < Ar. [al-nihal] "the drinking camels" Zubenelgenubi (alpha Lib) [zub-BEN-ul-jen-NOO-bee] < Ar. [al-zubana al-janubi] "the southern claw" Zubeneschamali (beta Lib) [zub-BEN-esh-uh-MAH-lee] < Ar. [al-zubana al-shamali] "the northern claw" Vega (alpha Lyr) [VAY-guh (also VEE-guh)] < Ar. [al-nasr al-waqi'] "the swooping eagle (or vulture)" Sheliak (beta Lyr) [shel-YAHK (SHEL-ee-yak)] < Ar. [al-salbaq] "the harp" Sulafat (gamma Lyr) [sool-uh-FAHT (SOOL-uh-faht)] < Ar. [al-sulahfat] "the tortoise" Rasalhague (alpha Oph) [rah-sool-huh-WAY (RAH-sall-hayg)] < Ar. [ra's al-hawwa'] "the head of the serpent collector" Cebalrai (beta Oph) [seb-ul-RAH-ee (SEB-all-rye)] < Ar. [kalb al-ra'i] "the shepherd's dog" Yed Prior (delta Oph) [YED PREE-or (... PRYE-ur)] < Ar. [al-yad] "the hand" + L. [prior] "foremost" Yed Posterior (epsilon Oph) [YED pos-TER-i-or] < Ar. [al-yad] "the hand" + L. [posterior] "hindmost" Sabik (eta Oph) [SAH-bik] < Ar. [al-sabiq] "the leading one" (?) Marfik (lambda Oph) [MURF-ik (MAHR-fik)] < Ar. [al-marfiq] "the elbow" Betelgeuse (alpha Ori) [bet-ul-jow-ZAY (BAY-tul-JOOSS)] < Ar. [bat al-jauza'] "the armpit of Orion" corr. Ar. [yad al-Jauza'] "the hand of Orion" Rigel (beta Ori) [RIJ-ul (RYE-jol)] < Ar. [rijl al-jauza'] "the foot of Orion" Bellatrix (gamma Ori) [bel-AH-trix (BEL-uh-trix)] < L. [bellatrix] "female warrior" Mintaka (delta Ori) [MIN-tuk-uh (min-TAH-kuh)] < Ar. [mintaqat al-jauza'] "the belt of Orion" Alnilam (epsilon Ori) [ul-nil-AHM (ALL-nil-ahm)] < Ar. [al-nizam] "the string of pearls" Alnitak (zeta Ori) [ul-nit-AHK (ALL-nit-ahk)] < Ar. [nitaq al-jauza'] "the belt of Orion" Saiph (kappa Ori) [SAYF] < Ar. [saif al-jabbar] "the giant's sword" Meissa (lambda Ori) [MAY-sah] < Ar. [al-maisan] "the shining one" Heka (lambda Ori) [HEK-uh] < Ar. [al-haq'a] "the circle of the horse's mane" Peacock (alpha Pav) [PEE-kahk] trans. L. [pavo] "peacock" Markab (alpha Peg) [MURK-ub (MARK-ahb)] < Ar. [mankib al-faras] "the horse's shoulder" Scheat (beta Peg) [SHEE-at (SHEE-aht)] < Ar. [al-saq] "the shin" Algenib (gamma Peg) [ul-JEN-ib (al-JEN-ib)] < Ar. [al-janb] "the side" Enif (epsilon Peg) [ENN-if] ?< Ar. [anf] "nose" Homam (zeta Peg) [hoh-MAHM (HOH-mahm)] < Ar. [sa'd al-humam] "the luck of the hero" Matar (eta Peg) [MUTT-ur (MAH-tahr)] < Ar. [sa'd matar] "the lucky rain" (?) Biham (theta Peg) [bih-HAHM] < Ar. [sa'd al-biham] "the luck of the little beasts" Sadalbari (mu Peg) [sah-dul-BAH-ree] < Ar. [sa'd al-bari'] "the luck of the paragon" Mirfak (alpha Per) [MIRF-uk (MIRF-ahk)] < Ar. [mirfaq al-thurayya] "the elbow of the Pleiades" Algenib (alpha Per) [ul-JEN-ib] < Ar. [al-janb] "the side" Algol (beta Per) [ul-GOL (AL-gol)] < Ar. [ra's al-ghul] "the demon's head" Menkib (xi Per) [MEN-kib] < Ar. [mankib al-thurayya] "the shoulder of the Pleiades" Atik (omicron Per) [AH-tik] < Ar. ['atiq al-thurayya] "the collarbone of the Pleiades" Ankaa (alpha Phe) [un-KAH (ANG-kah)] < Ar. [al-'anqa'] "phoenix" Nair al Zaurak (alpha Phe) [NAH-ir ul ZOW-ruk (NAYR all ZAW-rahk)] < Ar. [nayyir al-zauraq] "the bright one from the boat" Alrescha (alpha Psc) [ul-RESH-ah (all-RESH-ah)] < Ar. [al-risha'] "the cord" Fomalhaut (alpha PsA) [fah-mul-HOWT (FOH-mul-owt)] < Ar. [fam al-hut al-janubi] "the mouth of the southern fish" Naos (zeta Pup) [NOWSS] < Gr. [naus] "ship" Tureis (rho Pup) [tour-AYS] < Ar. [al-turais] "the little shield" Sham (alpha Sge) [SHAM] < Ar. [al-sahm] "the arrow" Rukbat (alpha Sgr) [ROOK-but (ROOK-baht)] < Ar. [rukbat al-rami] "the archer's knee" Alrami (alpha Sgr) [ul-RAH-mee (all-RAH-mee)] < Ar. [al-rami] "the archer" Arkab (beta Sgr) [AHR-kab (AHR-kub)] < Ar. ['urqub al-rami] "the archer's Achilles" Alnasl (gamma Sgr) [ul-NUS-ul (all-NAH-zul)] < Ar. [al-nasl] "the point" < [al-nasl al-sahm] "the arrowhead" Nushaba (gamma Sgr) [nush-AH-buh (noo-SHAH-buh)] < Ar. [zujj al-nushshaba] "the (iron) point of the (wooden) arrow" Kaus Media (delta Sgr) [KOWSS MAY-di-uh] < Ar. [al-qaus] "the bow" + L. [media] "central" Kaus Australis (epsilon Sgr) [KOWSS ow-STRAH-liss (... aw-STRAW-liss)] < Ar. [al-qaus] "the bow" + L. [australis] "southern" Ascella (zeta Sgr) [uh-SEL-uh] < L. [ascella] "armpit" Kaus Borealis (lambda Sgr) [KOWSS bor-re-AH-liss] < Ar. [al-qaus] "the bow" + L. [borealis] "northern" Nunki (sigma Sgr) [NUN-kee] < Sum. [NUN^ki, the celestial counterpart of the holy city of Eridu] Antares (alpha Sco) [un-TAH-rayss (ant-TAYR-eez)] < Gr. [Antares] "like (or in place of) Ares (Mars)" Acrab (beta Sco) [UK-rub (AHK-rahb)] < Ar. [al-'aqrab] "the scorpion" Graffias (beta Sco) [GRUF-fi-ahss (GRAH-fee-uss)] < L. [graffias] "the claws (direct object)" Dschubba (delta Sco) [JUB-uh (JOOB-uh)] < Ar. [jabhat al-'aqrab] "the scorpion's forehead" Girtab (theta Sco) [GERT-ahb, GERT-ub (GIRR-tahb)] < Sum. [GIR.TAB] "the scorpion" Sargas (theta Sco) [SUR-gus (SAHR-goss)] < Sum. [SAR.GAZ, a proper name] Shaula (lambda Sco) [SHOWL-uh (SHAW-lah)] < Ar. [al-shaula] "the scorpion's stinger" Al Niyat (sigma Sco) [ul-ni-YAHT (all NEE-yaht)] < Ar. [al-niyat] "the arteries" Lesath (upsilon Sco) [LESS-ut (LAY-soth)] < Ar. [las'a] "sting or bite" !> L. [alascha] "the tail of Scorpius (astrological use)" corr. Ar. [al-latkha] "the spot" trans. Gr. [nepheloeides sustrophe] "foggy conglomeration (possibly M7)" Unukalhai (alpha Ser) [uh-nook-ul-HI (uh-NOO-kul-lye)] < Ar. ['unuq al-hayya] "the serpent's neck" Alya (theta Ser) [UL-yuh (ALL-yah)] < Ar. [alya] "the sheep's tail" Aldebaran (alpha Tau) [ul-deb-uh-RAHN (al-DEB-uh-rahn)] < Ar. [al-dabaran] "the follower (of the Pleiades)" Elnath (beta Tau) [el-NUT (EL-noth)] < Ar. [al-nath] "butting (with the horns)" Ain (epsilon Tau) [AYN] < Ar. ['ain al-thaur] "the bull's eye" Alcyone (eta 25 Tau) [ul-KEE-oh-nay (all-SYE-uh-nee)] Celaeno (16 Tau) [ke-LYE-noh (kuh-LAY-noh)] Electra (17 Tau) [ay-LEK-truh (uh-LEK-trah)] Taygeta (19 Tau) [tah-IG-et-uh (TAY-get-uh)] Maia (20 Tau) [MAH-yuh] Sterope (21 Tau) [STER-uh-pay (STER-uh-pee)] also Asterope [uh-STER-uh-pay (uh-STER-uh-pee)] Merope (23 Tau) [MER-uh-pay (MER-uh-pee)] Atlas (27 Tau) [UT-luss (AT-luss)] Pleione (28 Tau) [play-EE-uh-nay (PLAY-uh-nee)] < Gr. the Pleiades and their parents (Atlas and Pleione) Mothallah (alpha Tri) [mah-THUL-ah (muh-THAH-luh)] < Ar. [al-muthallath] "the triangle" Atria (alpha TrA) [AH-tree-uh (AITCH-ree-uh)] < Gr. [alpha] + "Tri(angulum)" + "A(ustrale)" Dubhe (alpha UMa) [DUB-uh (DOOB-huh)] < Ar. [al-dubb] "the bear" Merak (beta UMa) [mer-AHK (MER-ahk)] < Ar. [maraqq al-dubb al-akbar] "the flank of the greater bear" Phecda (gamma UMa) [FEK-duh] < Ar. [fakhidh al-dubb al-akbar] "the thigh of the greater bear" Megrez (delta UMa) [MEG-rez (meg-REZ)] < Ar. [maghriz al-dubb al-akbar] "(the base of) the tail of the greater bear" Alioth (epsilon UMa) [ul-YAHT (AA-lee-oth)] < L. [alioze] < Ar. [al-jauza] corr. [al-jaun] "the black horse" Mizar (zeta UMa) [mi-ZAHR (MYE-zahr)] < Ar. [mi'zar] !> L. [mirach] < Ar. [maraqq] "the groin" Alkaid (eta UMa) [ul-KAH-id (al-KAYD)] < Ar. [al-qa'id] "the leader" Benetnasch (eta UMa) [ben-net-NOSH (BEN-net-nosh)] < Ar. [banat na'sh] "the daughters of the bier" (?) Talitha (iota UMa) [TAH-lith-uh] < Ar. [al-qafza al-thalitha] "the third leap" Tania Borealis (lambda UMa) [TAH-ni-yuh bor-re-AH-liss] < Ar. [al-qafza al-thaniya] "the second leap" + L. [borealis] "northern" Tania Australis (mu UMa) [TAH-ni-yuh ow-STRAH-liss (... aw-STRAW-liss)] < Ar. [al-qafza al-thaniya] "the second leap" + L. [australis] "southern" Alula Borealis (nu UMa) [uh-LOOL-ah bor-re-AH-liss] < Ar. [al-qafza al-ula] "the first leap" + L. [borealis] "northern" Alula Australis (xi UMa) [uh-LOOL-ah ow-STRAH-liss (... aw-STRAW-liss)] < Ar. [al-qafza al-ula] "the first leap" + L. [australis] "southern" Muscida (omicron UMa) [MUSS-id-uh] < L. [muscida] "muzzle" Alcor (80 UMa) [al-KOR (AL-kor)] < L. [alcor] corr. Ar. [al-jaun] "the black horse" Polaris (alpha UMi) [pah-LAH-riss (poh-LAR-iss)] < L. [polaris] "of the pole" Alrucaba (alpha UMi) [ul-ROOK-uh-buh (all-ruh-KAH-buh)] < Ar. [al-rukba] "the knee" Kochab (beta UMi) [KOH-kab] ?< Ar. [al-rukba] "the knee", or ?< Ar. [kaukab] akin Heb. [kokhabh] "star" Pherkad (gamma UMi) [FERK-ud (ferk-AHD)] < Ar. [al-farqadan] "the two calves" Yildun (delta UMi) [yil-DUN] < Turk. [yildiz] "star" Regor (gamma Vel) [RAY-gor] reverse spelling of "Roger (Chaffee)," one of the Apollo 1 astronauts Markeb (kappa Vel) [MURK-eb (MARK-eb)] ?< Ar. [markab] "ship" Suhail (lambda Vel) [suh-HAYL] < Ar. [suhail, meaning unknown] Spica (alpha Vir) [SPEEK-uh (SPY-kuh)] < L. [spica] "ear of grain" trans. Gr. [stachys] "ear of grain" Azimech (alpha Vir) [uh-sim-EK (AH-zim-mek)] < Ar. [al-simak al-a'zal] "the unarmed [simak, meaning unknown]" Zavijava (beta Vir) [zah-vi-yuh-VAH (zah-vee-JAH-vuh)] < Ar. [zawiyat al-'awwa'] "the angle of [al-'awwa', meaning unknown]" Porrima (gamma Vir) [POR-rim-uh] < L. [Porrima, a goddess] Vindemiatrix (epsilon Vir) [veen-day-mi-AH-trix (vin-duh-mee-AY-trix)] < L. [vindemiator] trans. Gr. [protrygeter] "grape gatherer" Almuredin (epsilon Vir) [ul-moor-uh-DEEN (all-MOOR-uh-din)] < L. [almucedeme] corr. Ar. [al-mutaqaddim li-l-qattaf] "the one preceding the grape gatherer" trans. Gr. [protrygeter] "grape gatherer" Zaniah (eta Vir) [ZAH-ni-yuh (zuh-NYE-uh)] < Ar. [zawiyat al-'awwa'] "the angle of [al-'awwa', meaning unknown]" Syrma (iota Vir) [SIRM-uh] < Gr. [syrma] "train (of a dress)" ***** Greek letters alpha [ALL-fah (AL-fah)] beta [BEE-tah (BAY-tah)] gamma [YAH-mah (GAM-ah)] delta [THEL-tah (DEL-tah)] *TH voiced epsilon [EP-sil-ahn] zeta [ZEE-tah (ZAY-tah)] eta [EE-tah (AY-tah)] theta [THEE-tah (THAY-tah)] *TH unvoiced iota [YOH-tah (eye-OH-tah)] kappa [KAH-pah (KAP-ah)] lambda [LAM-bdah] mu [MEE (MYOO)] nu [NEE (NYOO)] xi [KSEE (ZYE)] omicron [OH-mih-kron] pi [PEE (PYE)] rho [ROH] sigma [SIG-mah] tau [TAHF (TAW, also TOW, rhyming with WOW)] upsilon [IP-sil-ahn (OOP-sil-ahn)] phi [FEE (FYE)] chi [HEE (KYE)] *H guttural psi [PSEE (SYE, also PSYE)] omega [oh-MEE-gah, also oh-MAY-gah] ----- Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Tung